Bobby star of the day

We are learning to show and talk about using our CARE values at Oaklands School.

Students who successfully display their CARE values get to be the star of the day.

Term 3 Maths - Numeracy

We are learning to count backwards from the biggest number to solve subtraction problems.

Student comment: I can count backwards without any fingers.

Bobby's mihi

Te Reo Māori Mihi

We are learning to:
  • Introduce ourselves in Te Reo Māori.
  • Communicate personal information, such as our name, parents’ and grandparents’ names and home town in Te Reo Māori. 
To be successful we need to:
  • Speak clearly and fluently.
  • Use short simple sentences of Te Reo Māori to communicate personal information.

Term 3 Physical education: Gymnastics

We are learning to:
Create and perform a sequence which links two shapes through rolling, traveling or jumping.

Student Comment:
I have enjoyed doing shapes.

Term 3 reading

Teacher question: What does a good reader do?
Student answer: Sound out words.